est. 1957
High Island Creek Watershed District
One Watershed One Plan
High Island Creek Watershed District has partnered with the Counties and Soil and Water Conservation Districts of McLeod, Nicollet, and Sibley Counties to develop a One Watershed One Plan (1W1P) for the Lower Minnesota River West Watershed and is currently in the planning process. If you have any comments on the planning process, please let us know.

About Us
The High Island Creek Watershed District was established in 1957 as the first watershed district established in Minnesota under the watershed law, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 103D. The District covers the entire watershed area of High Island Creek and includes approximately 245 miles in Sibley, McLeod, and Renville Counties.
The Watershed District exists to manage water resources for High Island Creek, including controlling floodwaters, improving stream channels, conserving water supplies for public and private use, controlling erosion and pollution, and protecting groundwater. High Island Creek Watershed District is also the drainage authority for several public drainage systems located within the watershed, and is charged with evaluating any new petitions for the establishment or improvement of public drainage systems within the watershed.